Cannabis for GREAT motivation among students

"I figure if I study high, take the test high, I get high scores!"

Researchers are responding to the claim that cannabis users lack motivation once again, with a new study suggesting that the opposite may be true.

A study recruited 47 college students—25 frequent cannabis users and 22 non-users—and asked them to participate in the Effort Expenditure for Rewards Task, which consisted of a series of behavioral measures.

Marijuana users were more likely, than non-users, to choose tasks that indicated higher levels of motivation.

“The results provide preliminary evidence suggesting that college students who use cannabis are more likely to expend effort to obtain a reward, even after controlling for the magnitude of the reward and the probability of reward receipt, ”they wrote. “Thus, these results do not support the motivational syndrome hypothesis.”

“Contrary to the motivational syndrome hypothesis, college students using more cannabis were more likely to select the high-effort choice option, regardless of the reward magnitude, probability, and expected value of the overall reward. Although there was not a significant difference between cannabis use groups, there was a medium-sized effect, lending consistent support for an association between cannabis use and greater high-effort choices.”

In a related study, individuals who use marijuana reported that consuming marijuana before or after exercising improves their experience and promotes recovery, according to a study published in 2019. Those who use cannabis to enhance their workouts also tend to do more exercise in a healthier way.

During a four-month trial, a 2020 research of older Americans discovered that cannabis users tended to conduct the more formal exercise and engage in more physical activities than non-users.

Another study from last year found that adolescent cannabis usage "did not predict changes in motivation," implying that cannabis use "may not lead to motivation reductions over time."

In Conclusion

Students that are cannabis users tend to have more motivation in doing tasks than non-users. The study also contrasts the idea of weed consumers becoming attached to their sofas.


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