9 Weed Facts You Should Know

Do you want to learn some interesting facts? We feel the same way! We've compiled a list of interesting cannabis facts to help you learn more about this fascinating plant. You may believe you know everything there is to know about marijuana, but chances are you don't.

Lucky for you, we have prepared interesting facts about weed for you! Here are several facts about weed.

Cannabis Can Be Consumed Raw
Granted, it tastes much better when made with delectable treats such as brownies, bread, or cake. Cannabis, on the other hand, can be taken fresh. Additionally, eating it raw will not make you high, but it will supply you with all of the medical benefits.

The Origin Of Cannabis Is A Bit Hazy

The pot was not discovered by the hippie generation. However, the drug's exact origins are a little hazy.

According to one source, the Drug Enforcement Administration Museum in Arlington, Virginia, the earliest written references to cannabis date back to 2727 B.C., when Chinese Emperor Shen Nung is said to have discovered and used the substance medicinally.

Pot for your pets?

People have used medicinal marijuana to ease everything from glaucoma to the side effects of chemotherapy. So why shouldn't man's best friend give the medicinal pot a shot?

Pet owners are already using marijuana medicinally to help their suffering cats and dogs, according to a 2013 article in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Most of the time, animals that ingest pot get over the effects within a few hours, veterinarians say. Do take note that weed can be fatal to your pets if they consume too much of the recommended dose.

Shakespeare was a cannabis smoker.
Maybe that's where he gets his ideas? Marijuana residues were discovered in William Shakespeare's residence, which could have been a huge help in creating all of the screenplays and poems.

George Washington Grew Cannabis
That's correct. Hemp was grown by the first president of the United States of America. Hemp was grown on his Mount Vernon farms to manufacturing paper, rope, sail canvas, clothes, and fishing nets.

Pot isn't necessarily green

According to a 2011 analysis by a researcher, the energy required to create 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) of marijuana indoors is similar to driving across the nation five times in a car that gets 44 miles per gallon. All of those grow lights consume a lot of power.

Growing marijuana plants outside could reduce marijuana's carbon footprint, but due to the drug's year-round demand, industrial farmers maintain their plants in warehouses and greenhouses. Greenhouses equipped with low-energy LED lights could help make marijuana more environmentally friendly, but marijuana cultivation, like any large-scale agricultural, will necessitate large-scale energy.

Cannabis Has Over 100 Active Cannabinoids
In fact, over 120. The most famous ones are (you guessed it!) THC and CBD.

There Is No Such Thing As A Lethal Dose Of Cannabis.
Please don't confuse things. When it comes to cannabis, you can overdose if you consume more than the advised amount. What this means is that consuming the amount of cannabis required to kill a person is almost impossible.

Buried in hemp

Another man in a nearby cemetery had a similar, if slightly odd, burial around the same time as the 45-year-old man who went to his everlasting rest next to a stash of cannabis. Researchers discovered the grave of a 35-year-old man who was buried under a cannabis shroud in October 2016.

The grave was discovered in Jiayi, a cemetery in western China not far from Yanghai. It was occupied by a Caucasian male, who was sleeping on a wooden slatted bed. 13 Cannabis sativa plants were placed across his chest, diagonally from his chin to his pelvis. The grave could be between 2,400 and 2,800 years old, according to researchers. The reason the individual was buried beneath a layer of dirt is unknown.


Cannabis And Meditation


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