What is loud weed?

Have you ever heard the term "loud weed" and wondered what it meant? Learn about the meaning of the phrase and how certain weeds are "louder" than others.

Have you ever had a whiff or inhaled a cannabis strain that made you take a step back and go, "Gahdamn!" Not all cannabis strains are equally amazing, but there are a few that stand out. What does "loud weed" entail, and why do some strains have a stronger presence than others?

People who are new to marijuana or who use it but aren't familiar with its slang words may be curious about "loud weed." The term "loud" is a slang term for marijuana that is strong and has a strong odor. Those who use marijuana typically regard this form of weed as being of greater quality, and it has a bigger and better effect than standard weed.

It's uncertain where the name "loud marijuana" came from. Some believe the phrase simply means marijuana is powerful in a measurable way, similar to how noise is loud because loud weed has a strong odor. When someone opens a bag of it, they may unconsciously fling their head back or withdraw as the odor hits them. "Dank" and "fire" are two other slang phrases that have been used to describe the loud week. The loudness of loud cannabis is a measurement of its power.

Why is some cannabis so loud?

There are a few reasons why some cannabis buds are so loud. Phytochemicals flourish in well-grown flowers, two of which set this herb distinct from the rest.

Cannabis has cannabinoids in it. Terpenoids and cannabinoids are found in cannabis. Terpenoids are fragrance compounds contained in the cannabis plant's resin glands.

Cannabinoids are the molecules responsible for many of the cannabis plant's unique therapeutic qualities. The cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is responsible for the herb's well-known "high." Less common cannabinoids, on the other hand, can have an impact on the overall high experience.

To put it another way, some cannabis is so loud because it has been grown exceptionally well and includes a high concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes. Some terpenes are also more volatile than others, which means they release their fragrant constituents more quickly. This produces a strong scent.

A particularly stinky strain may include a high proportion of highly volatile terpenes. When you combine it with the high THC levels, you've got yourself some loud cannabis.

Kind Of Weed That Is Loud
While the phrase "loud" can refer to potent marijuana, it also refers to a specific strain of marijuana known as Loud or Loud Dream. This marijuana strain is one of the most expensive strains accessible, as it comes from a unique breed of the marijuana plant. With a THC

concentration of 26 percent, this potent kind of marijuana may cost up to $800 per ounce and has one of the highest amounts of THC accessible in marijuana. Loud Dream hits like a shot of espresso.


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